General Conditions


1. Definitions

The words and expressions contained in these general conditions (hereinafter General Conditions) shall have the meaning specified here-below:

“Contract”: this General Conditions, as integrated by the Letter of Confirmation;

“Event”: the event to which the Participant is registered;

“Price”: the total price of the Services;

“Organising Secretariat”: Publi Creations SAM” – Lena Group;

“Services”: the activities that the Organising Secretariat undertakes to perform in favour of the Participant.

“Participant”: the person entering into the Contract with the Organising Secretariat;

“Letter of Confirmation”: the letter, sent to the Participant by the Organising Secretariat, containing, inter alia, the Services.

2. Extension and limits of the Services

Organising Secretariat undertakes to perform in compliance with the Contract only the activities specifically mentioned in the Letter of Confirmation. Organising Secretariat shall not perform further and/or different activities other than the ones specifically indicated in the Letter of Confirmation.

3. Forfeiture of the indemnity right – Limitation of liability

Departing from each different applicable provision, any defect, error and/or dissimilarity (hereinafter Defects) of one or more services as regards to what specifically specified in the Letter of Confirmation, shall be communicated in writing to the Organising Secretariat, under penalty of forfeiture, within 30 days from the completion of the relevant service(s), it being understood that, in any case, the Defects, whether well recognized by the Organising Secretariat, may only result in a reduction of the value of the service(s) concerned, taking into account the severity of the Defects. The liability of the Organising Secretariat in such cases is expressly excluded for any direct or indirect, foreseeable or unforeseeable, typical or non-typical or consequential damages or loss of profits, whether derived from torts, breaches of contract, culpa in contrahendo, positive breach of duty or any other legal theory.

4. Currency – Invoicing and default interests

All the prices in the Letter of Confirmation are in Euro. In case of modifications in VAT or other taxes, the Organising Secretariat reserves the right to inform the Participant and readjusts the prices.

Terms and conditions of payments of the fees and the Services are stated in the Letter of Confirmation and are not subject to any reduction or discount.

5. Responsibility and force majeure

The Organising Secretariat will not be responsible for any delay or impossibility of performing the Services due to circumstances out of its control.

The liability of the Organising Secretariat for any direct or indirect, foreseeable or unforeseeable, typical or non-typical or consequential damages or loss of profits, whether derived from torts, breaches of contract, culpa in contrahendo, positive breach of duty or any other legal theory is hereby expressly excluded.

The Organising Secretariat shall not be liable in case of delay and/or default in performing the Services whether such delay and/or default is due or anyhow connected to events, actions or omissions such as strikes, lock-out, lack of workers, riots, war, threat or preparations for war, fires, eruption, sabotage, storm, flood, earthquake, epidemic, pandemic, production facility’s breakdowns, collapse of buildings, execution of orders of the Public Authorities, requisitions, lack of raw materials or fuel or any other source of energy, block of transportation and, in general, to an event or circumstance that prevents or impedes the Organising Secretariat from performing one or more of its contractual obligations under the Contract (hereinafter Force Majeure).

It is agreed that, whether an event referred to in paragraph above occurs:

  • the Organising Secretariat shall give notice of the event, in a reasonable period, to the Participant;
  • the Organising Secretariat shall be relieved from its duty to perform its obligations under the Contract and from any liability in damages or from any other contractual remedy for breach of contract, from the time at which the impediment causes inability to perform.

Where the effect of the impediment or event invoked is temporary, the consequences set out under paragraph above shall apply only as long as the impediment invoked prevents performance by the Organising Secretariat of its contractual obligations, it being understood that the Organising Secretariat shall notify the Participant, in a reasonable period, as soon as the impediment ceases to impede performance of its contractual obligations.

Where the duration of the impediment invoked has the effect of substantially depriving the Organising Secretariat of what it was reasonably entitled to expect under the Contract and in any case whether the duration of the impediment (i) exceeds 60 days, whether the commencement of the impediment occurs no sooner than 180 days from the beginning of the Event or (ii) exceeds 5 working days, whether the commencement of the impediment occurs no sooner than 20 days from the beginning of the Event or (iii) last at least 1 working day, whether the commencement of the impediment occurs within 5 days from the beginning of the Event or during the Event, the Organising Secretariat shall have the right to terminate the Contract by notification within a reasonable period to the Participant.

Where paragraph above applies and where the Participant has, by reason of anything done by the Organising Secretariat in the performance of the Contract, derived a benefit before the termination of the Contract, the Participant shall pay to the Organising Secretariat a sum of money equivalent to the value of such benefit.

Without prejudice of the above, in case the Event is cancelled due to Force Majeure the Organising Secretariat shall reimburse to the Participant the sums paid according to the Contract with deduction of:

  1. all the documented penalties applied by the Organising Secretariat’ suppliers (including but not limited to hotels, restaurant, airlines and so forth) not recoverable,
  2. a fee of 10% calculated on the total amount referred to in point (1) as consideration for the activities carried on by the Organising Secretariat.

It is agreed that the Organising Secretariat may postpone the reimbursement to the Participant having regard to the refund period requested by the Organising Secretariat’ suppliers in order to reimburse the Organising Secretariat for the sums paid.

In case the Event is postponed due to Force Majeure the following shall apply:

  • the Organising Secretariat shall keep, as an advance payment, all the sums already paid by the Participant;
  • the Organising Secretariat shall make its best efforts in order to:
    1. postpone the Services according to the changing date of the Event;

minimize the penalties applied by the Organising Secretariat’ suppliers as a result of the postponing of the Services, it being understood that all the penalties shall be charged to the Participant.

6. Right of privacy

For details on how we use your data please refer to our privacy policy.

7. Applicable law – Place of Jurisdiction

This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Principality of Monaco. Any dispute related or connected to the present Contract shall be settled by the Principality of Monaco Court System.

8. Miscellaneous

Unless expressly agreed, no variation or waiver of any provision or condition of the Contract shall constitute a general variation or waiver of any provision or condition of the Contract, nor shall it affect any rights, obligations or liabilities under or pursuant to the Contract which have already accrued up to the date of variation or waiver, and the rights and obligations of the parties under or pursuant to the Contract shall remain in full force and effect, except and only to the extent that they are so varied or waived.

If any term of the Contract is found to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable under any applicable law, such term shall, insofar as it is severable from the remaining terms, be deemed omitted from the Contract and shall in no way affect the legality, validity or enforceability of the remaining terms.

Provisions of the Contract which either are expressed to survive its expiry or termination or from their nature or context it is contemplated that they are to survive such termination, shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding such expiry or termination.

9. Image Rights and License

The Participant acknowledges and agrees to being filmed and photographed at the occasion of the Conference, as well as by other participants for their own uses in accordance with the same terms applicable to me in clause 10 below. The Participant grants to the Organising Secretariat and any third parties authorized by them all licences and permissions needed to use his/her image, name, likeness, voice, etc. (“Image”) and his/her contribution to the Event (which shall be understood as including any and all contents, elements, data, presentations, speeches, information and other materials created and/or provided by him/her for or in relation to the Event, such as, without limitation, documents, texts, still or moving images, other audio-visual contents, feedbacks, testimonials, quotes, etc.) (“Content”) (together referred to herein as the “Contribution”).

The Participant agrees and confirms that the Content may be distributed worldwide through media platforms. The Participant grants to the Organising Secretariat and any third parties authorized by them, all licenses and permissions needed to use the Contribution, in whole or in part, live and on demand, to promote and distribute the Contribution in any media, format or technology now known or later devised, without any restrictions, including of time or territory. The Organising Secretariat and any third parties authorized by them may sub-license the Contribution and/or the rights thereto, for the purpose of promoting the Conference. Such licenses and permissions include the right to edit, adapt, translate, modify, combine with other materials, distribute, reproduce, broadcast, publish, transmit and/or otherwise use or exploit my Contribution.

It is understood that, in any case, the Contribution will not be used to produce any content that creates a direct personal commercial endorsement by the Participant of a particular product or service, without Participant’s consent. The Participant expressly confirms that the licenses and permissions are granted for free and no payment shall be due to any third-party.

10. Creation and Use of Content

The Participant acknowledges that is authorised to take pictures or videos during the Event, as well as to make references to the Event on his/her personal owned and/or controlled digital platforms (such as social media accounts/pages, blogs, websites, etc.) provided that it (i) is for the sole purpose of promoting the Event, (ii) not used for any promotional and/or commercial activity or purpose, and (iii) respects the rights of third-parties, including their right to privacy or private information and intellectual property rights, any applicable laws, regulations and rules and does not expose the Organising Secretariat, or any third party or bring them into disrepute. The Participant authorises the Organising Secretariat and any third parties authorised by them, to repost and/or share on their digital platforms, his/her contents and posts related to the Event.

The Participant expressly confirms that all Content related to the Event are owned by him/her and may be used without restriction. The Participant warrants to the Organising Secretariat and any third parties authorised by them that the Content is free of encumbrances and does not infringe the rights, including intellectual property rights, of any third-party.



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Accommodation Booking

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Welcome to the 4th European Bronchiectasis Workshop

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate and, more importantly, to actively contribute to the 4th European Bronchiectasis Workshop (EBROW 2023).

Previous editions of the World Bronchiectasis Conference series (Milan 2017, Virtual Edition 2020, Prague 2022) have seen attendances of more than 400 participants from all over the World, with each edition enjoying excellent participant engagement through the presentation of abstracts (90 per edition in average). The 1st and 2nd European Bronchiectasis Workshops – Vienna July 2019, Virtually July 2021, saw over 200 specialists meet to face and discuss the most relevant arguments on the subject. The community continued to grow in 2023 with a participation of more than 350 specialists at the 3rd European Bronchiectasis Workshop in Milan and more than 500 specialists at the 6th World Bronchiectasis Conference in New York.

Indeed, the last years have been amazing for the bronchiectasis international community, with an increasing understanding of the physiopathology mechanisms behind the disease, the clarification of the epidemiology through EMBARC and National Registries, the design and realisation of clinical studies which provide hope for new possible therapies in the near future.

Besides the usual goals of updating and educating the scientific community, aggregating the European Bronchiectasis experts in Paris in 2025 may have a great value to strongly advocate for the recognition of the disease in France and in other European countries.

We would therefore be delighted if you would consider attending and actively contribute to the 3rd European Bronchiectasis Workshop.

Yours Sincerely,

The Organising Committee of the 4th European Bronchiectasis Workshop 

Coming soon