Welcome Letter

Francesco Blasi

Co – Chair


James D. Chalmers

Co – Chair



4th European Bronchiectasis Workshop

Dear Colleagues & Friends

It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate and, more importantly, to actively contribute to the 4th European Bronchiectasis Workshop (EBROW 2025).

Bronchiectasis is a common chronic lung disease with a wide range of underlying causes, including infections, genetic conditions, as well as autoimmunity and hypersensitivity disorders. Epidemiologic data indicate increasing prevalence in a number of countries in Western Europe, a rise in prevalence that is likely caused by a better recognition of the disease, improved access to CT scanners, and true increased incidence.

A diagnostic delay seems to exist in bronchiectasis, ranging from 12 to 17 years, and this might lead to disease progression and worsen patients’ outcomes.

Airway inflammation and infection play a clear role in initiating and sustaining the disease, the burden of which is still partially unknown with only few cross sectional and retrospective studies been published in few European countries.

The chronicity of bronchiectasis coupled to its repeated cycles of recurrent infections and antimicrobial therapy, likely have important implications on the airway resistome: one that defines the survival and colonization capabilities of individual microorganisms within a host microbiome.

Indeed, the last years have been amazing for the bronchiectasis international community, with an increasing understanding of the physiopathology mechanisms behind the disease, the clarification of the epidemiology through EMBARC and National Registries, the design and realisation of clinical studies which provide hope for new possible therapies in the near future.

Besides the usual goals of updating and educating the scientific community, aggregating the European Bronchiectasis experts in Paris in 2025 may have a great value to strongly advocate for the recognition of the disease in France and in other European countries where it is still neglected.

We would therefore be delighted if you would consider attending and actively contribute to the 4th European Bronchiectasis Workshop.

Yours Sincerely,           

The Organising Committee of the 4th European Bronchiectasis Workshop

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