Poster and Oral Presentations



You are invited to submit an abstract of original research related to
Bronchiectasis and NTM for consideration as:

Poster Presentation

Oral Presentation



Topics Covered

AATD – Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency


Age related bronchiectasis

Airways clearance


CF Bronchiectasis









PCD – Primary ciliary dyskinesia

Public Health approaches



Accepted abstract presenters will have the opportunity to either:

  • Oral presentation: Present your work in the main auditorium with Q&A from internationals experts
    Further details on timing and schedule of the lectures will be shared in due time.
  • Poster presentation: Display your poster in front of the entire audience and briefly present your research + Q&A during the dedicated strolling poster sessions Further details on timing and schedule of the sessions will be shared in due time.


All presenters will receive the personal feedback of the Scientific Committee of the Forum who will provide useful advice for the development of the winners’ career as researchers and international conference faculty.

Online submission

In order to participate in the selection process, please submit before 7th November 2024!

Select the category “oral presentation” or “poster presentation”

  • select the topic among the list, follow the instructions and complete your submission according to the rules.
  • State the conflict-of-interest disclosures for each author at the end of the submitted abstract (If there are no conflict of interest, it should be stated as well).

The main selecting criteria will be the relevancy and scientific value of the abstract presented, evaluated by the Scientific Committee of the Workshop. The choice will be made at the Committee discretion.

Notifications to submitters will be sent by 23rd November 2024.

Abstracts will be accepted as oral presentations or posters (please indicate your preference when submitting the abstract online).


SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 7th November 2024

Welcome to the 4th European Bronchiectasis Workshop

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate and, more importantly, to actively contribute to the 4th European Bronchiectasis Workshop (EBROW 2023).

Previous editions of the World Bronchiectasis Conference series (Milan 2017, Virtual Edition 2020, Prague 2022) have seen attendances of more than 400 participants from all over the World, with each edition enjoying excellent participant engagement through the presentation of abstracts (90 per edition in average). The 1st and 2nd European Bronchiectasis Workshops – Vienna July 2019, Virtually July 2021, saw over 200 specialists meet to face and discuss the most relevant arguments on the subject. The community continued to grow in 2023 with a participation of more than 350 specialists at the 3rd European Bronchiectasis Workshop in Milan and more than 500 specialists at the 6th World Bronchiectasis Conference in New York.

Indeed, the last years have been amazing for the bronchiectasis international community, with an increasing understanding of the physiopathology mechanisms behind the disease, the clarification of the epidemiology through EMBARC and National Registries, the design and realisation of clinical studies which provide hope for new possible therapies in the near future.

Besides the usual goals of updating and educating the scientific community, aggregating the European Bronchiectasis experts in Paris in 2025 may have a great value to strongly advocate for the recognition of the disease in France and in other European countries.

We would therefore be delighted if you would consider attending and actively contribute to the 3rd European Bronchiectasis Workshop.

Yours Sincerely,

The Organising Committee of the 4th European Bronchiectasis Workshop 

Coming soon