Call for Rising Stars



You are invited to submit an abstract of original research related to
Respiratory Tract Infections for consideration as:

Rising star


Topics Covered

The main topic areas have been determined and reflect key questions to be discussed:

AATD – Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency


Age related bronchiectasis

Airways clearance


CF Bronchiectasis









PCD – Primary ciliary dyskinesia

Public Health approaches



Two young researchers / clinicians, selected by a strict process, will have the opportunity to:

  • Present their work in the main auditorium with Q&A from internationals experts.
    Further details on timing and schedule of the lectures will be shared in due time.
  • Receive the personal feedback of the Scientific Committee of the Workshop who will provide useful advice for the development of the winners’ career as researchers and international conference faculty
  • Receive a full hosting package (free registration, travel, and accommodation)

Online submission

To participate in the selection process, please submit befor 24th November 2024.

  • Select the category “Rising Stars”
  • Select the topic among the list, follow the instructions and complete your submission according to the rules.
  • State the conflict-of-interest disclosures for each author at the end of the submitted abstract (If there are no conflict of interest, it should be stated as well).
  • Upload a Full academic curriculum including publications and / or poster presentations made in the past
  • Abstracts should be related to the topics of the Workshop.
  • The candidate should be the first author of the abstract.
  • The abstract should be original.
  • The abstract should be presented in English.
  • The candidate should not have been included in the faculty of a previous international Workshop.

The main selecting criteria will be the relevancy and scientific value of the abstract presented, evaluated by the Scientific Committee of the Workshop. The choice will be made at the Scientific Committee’s discretion. In case of equality the following priority criteria will be applied.

Priority criteria:

  • Age: Priority to researchers / clinicians under 42;
  • Provenience: priority for researchers / clinicians working in low–income countries – with limited access to funds.


Notifications to submitters will be sent by e-mail.

Please kindly note that if your rising star application is not accepted, it can be automatically considered for an oral or poster presentation.  

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 24th November 2024

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