Oral Communication winners


14.15 – 14.45 Junior Professional Q-Time

The session consists of 6 presentations, 5-minutes each (3-minute presentation and 2-minute discussion).

14.15 – 14.20

Trajectory of lower airway bacterial colonization in pediatric and adult patients with primary ciliary dyskinesia Douvry Benoit (France)

14.20 – 14.25

Prevalence and clinical implications of CFTR Variants in people with Bronchiectasis Elisa Canella (Italy)

14.25 – 14.30

Reversibility of chronic bronchial dilatation in cystic fibrosis patients undergoing Elexacaftor/Tezacaftor/Ivacaftor: identification and prediction with deep learning Gael Dournes (France)

14.30 – 14.35

Continuous Cough Monitoring as a Biomarker for Bronchiectasis Therapy Assessment Mindaugas Galvosas (USA)

14.35 – 14.40

CC16 as a biomarker of bronchial infection and disease severity in bronchiectasis Lidia Perea (Spain)

14.40 – 14.45

Index of Multiple Deprivation, Bronchiectasis Severity Index and Pseudomonas Colonization Status Henil Upadhyay (India)

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