If your associations would be interested in endorsing the Workshop, please contact us by info@bronchiectasis-eu.org
The cooperation would include the diffusion of information on a free mutual exchange basis. We would propose you to publish your logo with a direct link to your website on the Workshop’s website, and eventually a banner of your next event(s) or any other activity you would like to promote. Furthermore, we would be happy to share your flyer/leaflet during our event. In exchange, would ask you to do the same on your side. Therefore, inform your members about the conference and the different initiatives through your usual communication channels (website, newsletters, social media) and during your events, where we ask you to share our flyer.
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Association of General Practitioners of North Macedoniawww.zlomsm2023.mk - |
Associazione Riabilitatori dell’Insufficienza Respiratoria - ARIRhttps://www.arirassociazione.org/ - |
Austrian Society of Pneumology – OGPhttps://www.ogp.at/ Austria |
BEAT-PCDhttps://beat-pcd.squarespace.com/ - |
Croatian Respiratory Society - CRShttp://hpd.hlz.hr/ - |
Czech Pneumological and Phthisiological Society - CPFShttp://www.pneumologie.cz/stranka/1370/english/ - |
Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Pneumologie und Beatmungsmedizin e V. - DPGhttps://pneumologie.de/index.php?id=100 Germany |
Egyptian Scientific Society of Bronchologyhttps://www.essb-eg.org/ Egypt |
European Academy of Paediatricshttps://www.eapaediatrics.eu/ - |
European association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology - EABIPhttps://eabip.org/ - |
European Cystic Fibrosis Society - ECFShttps://www.ecfs.eu/ Austria |
Hellenic Thoracic Societyhttps://www.hts.org.gr/ - |
Hong Kong Thoracic Societyhttps://hkts.hk/ - |
Israel Society of Pulmonology - ISPhttp://www.ipus.org.il/ Israel |
Macedonian Respiratory Societyhttp://makrespir.mk/Home.aspx - |
Magyar Tüdőgyógyász Társasághttps://tudogyogyasz.hu/Page/Index/16918 Hungary |
Malaysian Thoracic Societyhttp://www1.mts.org.my/ Malaysia |
Nederlandse Vereniginvan Artsen voor Longziekten en Tuberculose - NVALThttps://www.nvalt.nl/ - |
Respiratory Society of Serbia - RSShttp://www.srbrespiratory.org Serbia |
Romanian Society of Pneumology - SRPhttps://www.srp.ro/ - |
Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia - SBPThttps://sbpt.org.br/portal/ Brazil |
Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologiahttps://www.sppneumologia.pt/ Portugal |
Società Italiana di Pneumologia - SIP IRShttp://www.sipirs.it/cms/ Italy |
Società Italiana di Terapia Antinfettiva Antibatterica Antivirale Antifungina - SITAhttps://www.sitaonline.net/associazione/ - |
Società Italiana per lo studio della Fibrosi Cistica - SIFChttps://www.sifc.it/ - |
South African Thoracic Society - SATShttps://pulmonology.co.za/ - |
The European Bronchiectasis Registry - EMBARChttps://bronchiectasis.hicservices.dundee.ac.uk/ - |
The Italian Registry of Pulmonary Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria - IRENEwww.registroirene.it Italy |
The Prospective German Non CF B ronchiectasis Patient Registry - PROGNOSIShttps://www.bronchiektasen-register.de - |
The UK bronchiectasis network and biobank - BRONK-UKhttps://www.bronch.ac.uk - |